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Gay Amsterdam > Tourist Guide > Amsterdam Gay Map

Welcome to Gay Amsterdam & The Official Amsterdam Gay Map ™
- Your Gay Way to Amsterdam (c) -

ith over to 2,200,000 printed copies distributed, The Amsterdam Gay Map is one of Amsterdam's main gay tourist guidance tools, and ideal to plan your trip.

Being yearly published by Amsterdam's gay publisher, apart from being amidst gay life, it also bears the messages the (gay) venues would like to welcome you to Amsterdam with, as well as handy editorial information.

Although electronic navigation gets more and more popular, when on holiday, or when planning once holiday, people still would like to have printed information (too).

The Amsterdam Gay Map is an ideal promotion tool if you would like to promote, for example if you would be an airline company, people to fly with you to Amsterdam. A part from that, you create a lot of goodwill with the targeted gay audience by openly associating your company with gay life which will be duely noticed.

The Amsterdam Gay Map in basic is the gay map of Amsterdam, accompanied with general gay specific information, info about sightseeing and do's & dont's, and the up-to-date overview of gay venues in Amsterdam. Being published by Amsterdam's gay publisher gets your straight to the source.

Furthermore the Amsterdam Gay Map is a 'grown-up' product, as it has matured over 25 years, and uniquely with users freedback from Amsterdam's largest on-line gay resource, Gayamsterdam (independent study also confirms this, see also below).

For your corporate version of the Amsterdam Gay Map, we take out most of the adds, and replace them with your information. The number of copies is up to you. This is not an expensive promotional tool:
As we feel it's promoting Amsterdam as a gay destination, and therefor meets the criteria of our foundation, as well as it supports the local gay community, no commercial fees are existing. The only thing we ask is a small fee for DTP and for the copyright of the coverimage (which we have to pay the photographer and model) and the map itself (which is very few). We can have it printed for you, or you can print it yourself directly (according to our specs, we will then send you a ready-to-print pdf).

If you would be interested, you may want to start by requesting a copy. Please feel free to contact us, preferably by email, at at your earliest convenience.

Additional Resources & info

adverteren op de Amsterdam Gay Map (dutch)
Amsterdam Gay Map home

Our gay specific tourist info is used by a.o. KLM in various countries, the Amsterdam Tourist Board (ATCB) & the National Bureau of Tourism; more info about an independent survey about Gay Tourism & Amsterdam, showing Gay Amsterdam is one of the most used resources, can be found here.

If you would like to receive more copies of the Amsterdam Gay Map, for ex. because you are visiting with a group, just mail us at at any time, so we can make sure you get them. The maps are free of charge. We do not send individual copies abroad, as you can pick them up everywhere for free once in Amsterdam.

Legal note: De Amsterdam Gay Map is een auteursrechtelijk uniek werk in de zin van de auteurswet, zoals tevens bevestigd door de President van de Rechtbank en Het Hof te Amsterdam. Tegen elke mogelijke verwarring wordt door ons ten alle tijde met alle mogelijke juridische middelen opgetreden, hiervoor zijn wij verzekerd.

Entire © 1995/2025 Foundation G Media, Amsterdam NL. All rights reserved. Official licensee of the Foundation Gay Amsterdam, Amsterdam NL. Official partner of Gay News ®.

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